Like a lot of females, I love accessories.
One particular accessory I would find it very difficult to live without is the bag. Handbag, backpack, tote, shopper, clutch, suitcase; I'm always on the look out for a new bag. If I can get my hands on a bag that's especially unique and interesting, then all the better.
Here's a selection of handbags I'm currently lusting after. Unfortunately, the majority are way out of my price range.
Anthony David
ASOS sequin panda bag
ASOS shopper
ASOS mouse shoulder bag
Fred Flare
Fred Flare
Fred Flare
Judith Leiber
Katherine Haumann
Love Moschino Cow box bag
Lulu Guinness Lily Cat shopper
Lulu Guinness perspex clutch
Moschino Cheap and Chic Forecast bag
Moschino Cheap and Chic Lady Love
Moschino Cheap and Chic Sailor Chic
Peter Jensen
The Rodnik Band Snappy Fish bag
Timmy Woods
Yoshimi Ezura